Black Excellence Cap!
$25.00 / Sold Out
The meaning behind the #BlackExcellence cap.
The image on the side of the cap is of Tommie Smith 200m gold medalist from the 1968 olympics. With all the outright racism towards African Americans and other people of color in 2016 I wanted to show a reminder that we have the power to make changes.
The quote under the brim states "A man that stands for nothing will fall for anything." Malcolm X
Too many of young black men have this "IDGAF" attitude. No pride in being a young black man. No pride in representing their family. No pride in community.
#1Down is twofold. It has become a affirmation to myself that every time I speak I inspire at least 1 person. Also #1Down is the idea that one person can make a difference in this world and the life of others simply by being who you were born to be. Your gift is needed in this world. Your gift can change the world. 1Down is the reminder that we can change the world.
Makes sense lol? 😁
Lets be great today! #1Down